Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Blood Transfusion

In 2000, 245,000 adults and children in the US were affected with some form of leukemia. Our population is growing older and living longer lives and I am part of a study on how to effectively treat the elderly population.

I had my third appointment with Dr. Sprague and Dr. Chakra yesterday since having the second consolidation. I was anemic and required a transfusion. I was very surprised to learn that it was not my first transfusion. I had two during my first hospitalization. I do not recall too much of what happened during my initial hospitalization--it remains a blur! I was relieved that Dr. Sprague wanted to see me only once the following week.  They are hoping to do the bone marrow biopsy and pop my name in the computer for random selection.

Cheryl went to find some lunch for us and I went to wait in the infusion waiting room, hoping that it wouldn't be a long wait. It was less than an hour when I was called in. The woman who hooked me up to the platelets on Thursday, hooked me up to the blood and explained that it would take at least one hour. 

I would not describe myself as a squeamish person, but I was "freaked out" by the blood! And I kept wondering whose blood it was that was now slowly dripping into my veins. Was it a man's? Or a woman's? What were they like? All the vampire movies I have seen (not many!) were haunting me! I was very relieved when I was able to leave.  

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