Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Palm Sunday Miracle!

I received so many cards and notes in the hospital wishing me well and I wanted to make a scrapbook of my mementos to be reminded of the love that surrounded me. So I put them all in a box as soon as I got home and when I was strong enough I went shopping! 

I loved the cards. They were all beautiful and reassuring of the sender's affection and the prayers that were said but there was one special card I received that was very dear to me. My youngest daughter had made me a frog card on her circuit machine and it was adorable!  You are aware that I am extremely fond of frogs! I planned to put it on the first page of the scrapbook.

I bought a scrapbook and some paper and came home with grand intentions. I got as far as placing my beautiful frog on the first page. As I thought about the scrapbook it dawned on me that a top loading scrapbook wasn't going to work because the cards could not be opened. I needed a scrapbook that would allow me to open and read the cards. We looked several places and no such thing seemed to exist any more! We went on line and finally located a company that made scrapbooks but they were VERY expensive. I was discouraged and set the scrapbook idea aside for awhile, returning to Walmart the top loading model we had bought and the extra paper. 

One day I went to look at my cards and the FROG WAS MISSING!!! I searched and searched and was very distraught. Everything was there that should have been there but NOT THE FROG! My older daughter knew how much it meant to me and how upset I was and she methodically went through the living room but to no avail. Finally she suggested returning to Walmart's and inquiring if it  
been found among the return. Having worked at Walmart's in the past she knew the procedure for returned goods. She went to the scrapbook department and went through every scrapbook on the shelves.  NO FROG. I resigned myself to the disappointment I felt.

Several weeks later--the frog had been delivered in early February and now it was Palm Sunday--Cheryl and I stopped by Walmart's after church because I needed a larger wrench than I had to adjust the kitchen sink. She went to the tools department and I strolled down to the yarn department. When Cheryl joined me, she noticed that there was a huge display of scrapbooks behind us.
While I continued to look at the yarn, she picked up a scrapbook, opened it
and THERE WAS MY FROG!!!!! We were incredulous and I was so stunned and happy that I wanted to cry! It was a coincidence, the nature of which was so unlikely, that it cannot be logically explained.

I am now in possession of my FROG again and I have found a scrapbook that allows you to open the pages for viewing. 

We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.
Mao Tse-Tung


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